Thursday, March 13, 2008

Miracle Bugs

Lindsey is actually doing her Science Project this quarter which really blows my mind but she is failing so she has to unless she does not want to receive a 38% for her final grade. So anyway, she googled science projects and proceeded to copy everything word for word and managed to get all of the data portion past her teacher. The project is on habits of bugs and she copied the graph on the internet (with six types of bugs) directly to her notebook. So, she goes outside Sunday with a shovel and is gone all of five minutes. She then showed me all of her data. Does she really think I am that stupid to not know that she copied all of it from the internet. Well I looked at it anyway and reminded her that she would need to keep daily data on this. Then I noticed her observations of bees. Mind you that in the state of Washington on March 9th we have enormous amounts of bees-NOT. WE DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY DAMN BEES RIGHT NOW!!! I was pissed about this and then yesterday I told her she had better get moving on more data. She spent 2 minutes outside and came in to report everything was the same except the ant hills had changed a little. WE HAVE NO F*&^%$ING ant hills either. She claimed there were a lot of them in the front yard grass. I told her to get her butt outside and bring me an ant. She went out there and then came in and stared at me.
My response to Lindsey. "Quit lying to me about your homework, starting doing what you are supposed to do and if you don't start this project over with correct information then I will be calling your teacher tomorrow and tell her that you are lying"
She started a new project on worms...we have worms


author said...

Oh for goodness' sake!!! That girl just...oh nevermind.

In all fairness, I've seen a bee--a big, fat, jumbo sucker--but only because we have a mammoth azalea bush in front. But truthfully, I've only noted 1 such steriod-laden bee at this point in time.

I'm glad she switched to worms. Those we have in spades. I know, because Ethan & Sierra keep bringing them in to show me. Such charming dears....

Anonymous said...

One bee is understandable. The way her observations went I'm sure they swarms will be making honey soon. They can share the honey with all the ants on the anthills that we don't have in our grass. I know she never thought in a million years that I would ask her to produce an ant.

flo said...

My son went on the internet and found the teacher's portion of his Anatomy book and copied the answers to essay questions word for word and turned it in.....I guess he thought that the woman responsible for teaching him the contents of the book had never read it.... You would think that a kid that read on a 12th grade level when he was in 6th grade would be smart enough to change it up a little. If he and Lindsey were to have a child, it would probably spontaneously combust into a cloud of laziness.

flowerpower70 said...

sounds likes the time I did a "science project" on the effects of alchohol on plant cells and fed an aloe plant beer...