Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Current Star Trivia

What are the names of Angelina & Brad's new twins?

What is the name of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's daughter?

Which socialite has their own new reality TV show?

What does Rachel Ray's husband to for a living?

What is the name of Gwen Stephani's son?

Whose child drinks barley water out of a bottle at age two and a half?

Who hosts What Not to Wear?

Which Hollywood "player" is on and off with Jennifer Aniston?


flowerpower70 said...

Nick & Nora?
NEW? Paris Hilton
Freakin' tom cruise
I watch that show, but don't know their names!
The guy who likes to talk with his mouth full of food: Vince Vaughn

flowerpower70 said...

I'm afraid to ask: what does Pee & Poo do?

Anonymous said...

Hang out in the toilet:)

flo said...

Knox & Vivian
She has two: Kingston and Zuma Nesta
Vince, John Mayer, Big Bird

Anonymous said...

Stacy and Clinton host what not to wear