Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sweet Story

My mom and I were talking yesterday and apparently my Aunt Barb (mom's sister) called her on Monday to tell her what had happened on Mother's Day. My aunt is a flight attendent for American Airlines and was flying on Mother's Day. I guess due to plane troubles or something she ended up flying to San Francisco which was not where she was supposed to go that day. So, when they arrived there were all kinds of delays etc. My Grandma Johnson (who passed years ago) is from San Francisco and that is where she met my grandpa. So while Barb was sitting there she thought.."Happy Mother's Day mom..I'm in your city". When the plane finally boarded Barb was asked to check on one of the passengers as they thought someone boarded the plane without a boarding pass. She indicated to my mother that in ten years of flying this was only the second time she had be asked to check out something like this. When they handed her the name of the passenger to check. the boarding pass read..Mary Johnson. Mary Johnson was my grandmother's name.

1 comment:

author said...

That is really cool. I'd be floating for days after something like that. :o)