Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Going to NY on Saturday. If anyone wants something special from NY please let me know. Staying at this hotel so I will purchase chocolate for my little chocolate loving five year old.


author said...

Enjoy your trip! And yes...I'd like a Reese's please. (Ahem)

flo said...

I would like a sandwich from Timmy's Deli. It is under the subway in Queens, just down from Shea Stadium, across the street from the Chinese grocery store. I'd like sourdough bread, cheddar cheese, onions and mayo. Thank you. Tell Timmy I said hello.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I meant it will taste awesome

flowerpower70 said...

I want a pastrami sandwich from the Carnegie Deli.....and uh...nope, that's it.