Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I want to fly away to a land far far away for a month. I will be able to suntan with no worry of skin cancer, I will eat anything I want and lose weight after I eat it. I may drink tons of cocktails and never get a hangover. I will smoke cigars and sip on brandy while someone paints my toenails. I will never have a stomach ache & nobody will ask me to do anything for them. People will only be doing things for me. Massages every morning and night and afternoon naps with lavender eye patches and the sound of waves crashing on the ocean. I will have long bubble baths with chocolate covered strawberries and the best tasting fresh fruit I've ever had. I will look amazing in the most beautiful sundresses and dance the night away with whoever may come by.

Shit I have to get back to work!!!


author said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!!! You crack me up. Hey, if you find such a place, may I come with? I promise not to ask anything of you. ;-)

flowerpower70 said...

Can I come with You?