Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The concert and such
Bruce Springsteen was awesome and the E Street Band just rocked. His voice sounds the same and he just completely worked the stage. Our Precor group was in the executive suite and let me tell you that I am spoiled now and can't imagine seeing a concert any other way..ha ha The suite was close to the floor and behind the stage but you could see everything very close up and of course their were screens as well and they played towards us back and forth. The suite had three or four sections of two rows of seats. The back had two bars, two refrigerators filled with pop and an awsome buffet of dinner set up in the back. One of our Precor employees had invited two friends (that are friends of Mike and I) that we hadn't actually seen in four years. It was so great to catch up with them and I had so much fun. The best part of being in the suite was that there were two bathrooms and you never had to leave once you were in there. I have worked for quite a few corporations over my career but I have never gotten the perks that I get working for Precor. It's like they never end and I am getting so spoiled but I appreciate every second of it. Bottom line for me is that I am a country girl at heart and would be happy sitting on my beat up porch drinking lemonade and eating corn on the cob. However, getting to sometimes be part of a "caviar" type world is so much fun and I think I'll just enjoy it.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
In need of Vampire
Where is Edward today? Oh I forgot...he is sitting right next to me and I'm taking him home with me today. It's very cold and cloudy in Seattle today so we won't have any trouble with the sunlight although I'd like to see his diamond like skin shimmering in my van. Wanna come over Kris?
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
American Idol

My top favorites last night were.
David Cook-that was incredible and I could have never imagined singing Billie Jean like that.
Michael Johns..I love this guy and he finally blew it out last night
Brooke White..for me she is the real deal and not full or herself or full of shit. I think she does an amazing job.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Live from New York it's Saturday Night
Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood, "Can you say, Policeman"
Church Lady, "Well isn't that special"
Doug & Wendy Whiner
Mary Catherine Gallagher
Stuart Smalley, "I"m good enough, smart enough and dog gonnit..people like me"
"I live in a van down by the river"
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy...If a child asks you where rain comes from, tell them it's God crying. If they ask why He's crying, tell them it's probably because of something they did.
Church Lady, "Well isn't that special"
Doug & Wendy Whiner
Mary Catherine Gallagher
Stuart Smalley, "I"m good enough, smart enough and dog gonnit..people like me"
"I live in a van down by the river"
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy...If a child asks you where rain comes from, tell them it's God crying. If they ask why He's crying, tell them it's probably because of something they did.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I love this movie
Saturday, March 15, 2008
What a fun birthday
Today was great. Woke up early, worked out and got my hair done. I got some red streaks in it..what the heck I need a little change and some fun. I came home to a Harry Potter balloon, cake and a nice book from Mike. Then we all piled in the van and headed downtown. We parked at the Space Needle/Seattle Center and had lunch. Then the kids rode some of the rides and had so much fun. We took the monorail down to Westlake and walked to Pike's Place Market. We watched them throw the fish, made our way through the vendors in the market and bought Dungenous Crab, asparagus and a beautiful boquet of flowers. I thought it would be a slow day at the market but it was packed like it is in the summer was nuts. I guess there was a big St Pat's Day parade in the morning so tons of people were downtown. We came home and relaxed for a while and then Mike made crab omlettes and asparagus for dinner-so good. We are now watching a movie and I am getting very tired. Tomorrow we are having bruch with Shana,Delano and the babies and then taking everyone to the children's museum.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Do you know how much $ I spend at Target. I swear between household cleaning items, toilet paper, paper towels and bathroom items I spend a small fortune. If I had a lot of money I would buy more stuff as they have great decorative accessories...I could remodel all the bedroom and bathrooms.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tonight the girls and I went to McDonalds for ice cream and we sat in the parking lot eating it in the car and listening to 80's music. Mike and I are hoping to get some sleep tonight. Rachel comes in our bed 2 to 3 times a night and we have to take her back. I think she just sleep walks right in then makes herself at home. We don't get ANY sleep
Miracle Bugs
Lindsey is actually doing her Science Project this quarter which really blows my mind but she is failing so she has to unless she does not want to receive a 38% for her final grade. So anyway, she googled science projects and proceeded to copy everything word for word and managed to get all of the data portion past her teacher. The project is on habits of bugs and she copied the graph on the internet (with six types of bugs) directly to her notebook. So, she goes outside Sunday with a shovel and is gone all of five minutes. She then showed me all of her data. Does she really think I am that stupid to not know that she copied all of it from the internet. Well I looked at it anyway and reminded her that she would need to keep daily data on this. Then I noticed her observations of bees. Mind you that in the state of Washington on March 9th we have enormous amounts of bees-NOT. WE DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY DAMN BEES RIGHT NOW!!! I was pissed about this and then yesterday I told her she had better get moving on more data. She spent 2 minutes outside and came in to report everything was the same except the ant hills had changed a little. WE HAVE NO F*&^%$ING ant hills either. She claimed there were a lot of them in the front yard grass. I told her to get her butt outside and bring me an ant. She went out there and then came in and stared at me.
My response to Lindsey. "Quit lying to me about your homework, starting doing what you are supposed to do and if you don't start this project over with correct information then I will be calling your teacher tomorrow and tell her that you are lying"
She started a new project on worms...we have worms
My response to Lindsey. "Quit lying to me about your homework, starting doing what you are supposed to do and if you don't start this project over with correct information then I will be calling your teacher tomorrow and tell her that you are lying"
She started a new project on worms...we have worms
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I want to fly away to a land far far away for a month. I will be able to suntan with no worry of skin cancer, I will eat anything I want and lose weight after I eat it. I may drink tons of cocktails and never get a hangover. I will smoke cigars and sip on brandy while someone paints my toenails. I will never have a stomach ache & nobody will ask me to do anything for them. People will only be doing things for me. Massages every morning and night and afternoon naps with lavender eye patches and the sound of waves crashing on the ocean. I will have long bubble baths with chocolate covered strawberries and the best tasting fresh fruit I've ever had. I will look amazing in the most beautiful sundresses and dance the night away with whoever may come by.
Shit I have to get back to work!!!
Shit I have to get back to work!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Well I just watched the movie Gone Baby Gone and I won't ruin it for any of you that haven't seen it but I will say that I would have made the opposite decision at the end of the movie. I really liked it though. Last weekend we watched Michael Clayton and American Gangster..liked them both.
Some of my movie favs are:
Breakfast Club
Better off Dead
Die Hard movies
Indiana Jones
Harry Potter
All of Morgan Freeman's movies and especially The Shawshank Redemption
Disney/Pixar animated movies
Some of my movie favs are:
Breakfast Club
Better off Dead
Die Hard movies
Indiana Jones
Harry Potter
All of Morgan Freeman's movies and especially The Shawshank Redemption
Disney/Pixar animated movies
Friday, March 7, 2008
100 Things About Me..per Denise's request.
1. I love where I grew up
2. My eyes are hazel
3. I drove a piece of shit Datsun for years..well I pushed it mostly
4. My Grandpa Johnson played the piano for a living
5. I loved him and my Grandma so much..I wish they could have met Rachel
6. My mother is an amazing person and teacher
7. I love M & M's
8. Spiders are my worst fear..I gag when I see them-serious gagging
9. I think my brother Ryan is one of the funniest people I know
10. Tea with honey makes me relaxed
11. I read smutty mags
12. And books about wizards and vampires
13. I grew up swimming in my grandma's pool on a daily basis in the summer
14. I loved to waterski and boogey board
15. I spent my Spring Breaks on trips with my friends and we drank too much booze
16. My dogs names were Loner and Zero
17. I love to travel
18. Coffee is the bomb
19. One of my favorites foods is Thai
20. I drink a lot of water
21. I don't wear a lot of makeup
22. Being a mother is my favorite job
23. Having my daughter changed my life for the better
24. I don't have any tatoos
25. I do have a lot of stretch mark scars
26. I love being an aunt
27. Basketball is my favorite sport and I played it for years
28. I graduated high school with honors and failed my first semester of college
29. I love to exercise
30. I smile a lot
31. My dad used to make me eat boiled squirell (complete with BB's) and canned tamales
32. I have scooped a lot of ice cream in my days.
33. I worked two jobs in the summers to earn money for clothes etc.
34. My belly botton is really deep
35. Rachel's middle name is Kathleen for my mother
36. I love DisneyWorld
37. I sleep well to the sound of frogs croaking
38. I got kinda buzzed on booze while I was pregnant..but I didn't know I was pregnant
39. My favorite car was my silver jetta with sunroof and black leather interior..I want it back
40. I never had braces
41. My front tooth on the top is fake
42.If it was safe, I would have liposuction on my stomach
43. My drink of choice is espresso
44. No cats for me.
45. I can't have fish because they constantly have sex and then I have to kill them.
46. I have been in love three times in my life.
47. Rollercoaster are my favorite..high, fast, upside down and scary
48. Otherwise, I am afraid of heights
49. When I was 17 I slept on the bus at the Kennedy Space dad was pissed..I was 17
50. I love emeralds & I got a new ring on the Carribean Cruise in 06-St. Thomas
51. I like to have my nails and toes painted..makes me feel better about myself
52. Looking in the mirror is not my thing...I tend to get pissed at who looks back
53. Holding hands with my five year old is priceless
54. Teenagers make me insane
55. Dad used to make deer's so good
56. I am a sensitive person
57. Before my achillies injury I loved to snow ski
58. 80's music makes me happy
59. I have run over about every animal possible with my car..comes with living in the woods
60. I am anal about keeping my house clean
61. Friends are so very important to me
62. I love hot fudge sundaes with bananas
63. I am a facial fanatic
64. I love for someone to brush my hair
65. My career is etremely important to me and gives me a huge sense of satisfaction
66. I love to sing
67. Yardwork is very rewarding to me.
68. I want to take dance lessons
69. I want to take cooking classes
70. I wear a lot of black in case in makes me look thinner
71. I remember sleeping in the car at night when my mom was driving..who ever heard of seatbelts?
72. As a kid I loved to catch lightning bugs and pull the tails off of lizards
73. I have more pictures than I will ever know what to do with
74. I used to sit on my sister and hold her nose while I covered her mouth
75. I tend to win things when someone is having a drawing.
76. My whole life when someone new meets me they will call me Jennifer
77. I am half Irish and love St Patrick's Day
78. Mac & Jack Beer
79. I used to get a kick out of watching Ryan cut snakes in half with yard clippers
80. I remember my brother's carpet stain because my cousin Todd puked all over it after eating an entire bag of Twizzlers...serves him right
81. I HATE lying
82. I HATE addiction
83. Once after New Year's while living in Colorado I threw up on the sidewalk of my apartment complex and it stained it and ate the cement..what the @#$%
84. I threw up the entire 9 months of my pregnancy-that was fun
85. New Years is my anniversary
86. My husband is 16 years older than me
87. I used to be a radio DJ
88. I would like to be debt free
89. I like to walk in the woods and enjoy the peace and quiet
90. I think my dad caught me having sex once..oh well
91. I have three earring holes
92. My spice cabinet is so full of old shit it is pathetic
93. I do laundry every day
94. I think the government takes most of my paychecks
95. I am a democrat all the way
96. I always make wishes on the first star I spot in the sky
97. I also make wishes when the clock reads 11:11
98. I have a ghost/angel that has followed me around since college
99. Once on Spring Break in Padre Island I was drunk and far in the ocean at night. I felt the undertoe grab at my feet and I quickly got out...what an idiot
100. I love that I have so many friends and a great family
2. My eyes are hazel
3. I drove a piece of shit Datsun for years..well I pushed it mostly
4. My Grandpa Johnson played the piano for a living
5. I loved him and my Grandma so much..I wish they could have met Rachel
6. My mother is an amazing person and teacher
7. I love M & M's
8. Spiders are my worst fear..I gag when I see them-serious gagging
9. I think my brother Ryan is one of the funniest people I know
10. Tea with honey makes me relaxed
11. I read smutty mags
12. And books about wizards and vampires
13. I grew up swimming in my grandma's pool on a daily basis in the summer
14. I loved to waterski and boogey board
15. I spent my Spring Breaks on trips with my friends and we drank too much booze
16. My dogs names were Loner and Zero
17. I love to travel
18. Coffee is the bomb
19. One of my favorites foods is Thai
20. I drink a lot of water
21. I don't wear a lot of makeup
22. Being a mother is my favorite job
23. Having my daughter changed my life for the better
24. I don't have any tatoos
25. I do have a lot of stretch mark scars
26. I love being an aunt
27. Basketball is my favorite sport and I played it for years
28. I graduated high school with honors and failed my first semester of college
29. I love to exercise
30. I smile a lot
31. My dad used to make me eat boiled squirell (complete with BB's) and canned tamales
32. I have scooped a lot of ice cream in my days.
33. I worked two jobs in the summers to earn money for clothes etc.
34. My belly botton is really deep
35. Rachel's middle name is Kathleen for my mother
36. I love DisneyWorld
37. I sleep well to the sound of frogs croaking
38. I got kinda buzzed on booze while I was pregnant..but I didn't know I was pregnant
39. My favorite car was my silver jetta with sunroof and black leather interior..I want it back
40. I never had braces
41. My front tooth on the top is fake
42.If it was safe, I would have liposuction on my stomach
43. My drink of choice is espresso
44. No cats for me.
45. I can't have fish because they constantly have sex and then I have to kill them.
46. I have been in love three times in my life.
47. Rollercoaster are my favorite..high, fast, upside down and scary
48. Otherwise, I am afraid of heights
49. When I was 17 I slept on the bus at the Kennedy Space dad was pissed..I was 17
50. I love emeralds & I got a new ring on the Carribean Cruise in 06-St. Thomas
51. I like to have my nails and toes painted..makes me feel better about myself
52. Looking in the mirror is not my thing...I tend to get pissed at who looks back
53. Holding hands with my five year old is priceless
54. Teenagers make me insane
55. Dad used to make deer's so good
56. I am a sensitive person
57. Before my achillies injury I loved to snow ski
58. 80's music makes me happy
59. I have run over about every animal possible with my car..comes with living in the woods
60. I am anal about keeping my house clean
61. Friends are so very important to me
62. I love hot fudge sundaes with bananas
63. I am a facial fanatic
64. I love for someone to brush my hair
65. My career is etremely important to me and gives me a huge sense of satisfaction
66. I love to sing
67. Yardwork is very rewarding to me.
68. I want to take dance lessons
69. I want to take cooking classes
70. I wear a lot of black in case in makes me look thinner
71. I remember sleeping in the car at night when my mom was driving..who ever heard of seatbelts?
72. As a kid I loved to catch lightning bugs and pull the tails off of lizards
73. I have more pictures than I will ever know what to do with
74. I used to sit on my sister and hold her nose while I covered her mouth
75. I tend to win things when someone is having a drawing.
76. My whole life when someone new meets me they will call me Jennifer
77. I am half Irish and love St Patrick's Day
78. Mac & Jack Beer
79. I used to get a kick out of watching Ryan cut snakes in half with yard clippers
80. I remember my brother's carpet stain because my cousin Todd puked all over it after eating an entire bag of Twizzlers...serves him right
81. I HATE lying
82. I HATE addiction
83. Once after New Year's while living in Colorado I threw up on the sidewalk of my apartment complex and it stained it and ate the cement..what the @#$%
84. I threw up the entire 9 months of my pregnancy-that was fun
85. New Years is my anniversary
86. My husband is 16 years older than me
87. I used to be a radio DJ
88. I would like to be debt free
89. I like to walk in the woods and enjoy the peace and quiet
90. I think my dad caught me having sex once..oh well
91. I have three earring holes
92. My spice cabinet is so full of old shit it is pathetic
93. I do laundry every day
94. I think the government takes most of my paychecks
95. I am a democrat all the way
96. I always make wishes on the first star I spot in the sky
97. I also make wishes when the clock reads 11:11
98. I have a ghost/angel that has followed me around since college
99. Once on Spring Break in Padre Island I was drunk and far in the ocean at night. I felt the undertoe grab at my feet and I quickly got out...what an idiot
100. I love that I have so many friends and a great family
Thursday, March 6, 2008
AI Girls Night
Sorry but I just really like the guys. If I had to pick the girls my top three would be:
Brooke-she is real, down to earth and not full of herself
Amanda-she doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks and I like that
Carly-I like her voice but I don't think she should be on the show with her past experience etc.
Brooke-she is real, down to earth and not full of herself
Amanda-she doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks and I like that
Carly-I like her voice but I don't think she should be on the show with her past experience etc.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
American Idol recap
I really thought the guys did great tonight. David Cook's version of Hello was awesome. I also loved Michael John's song as I have always loved that song and The Breakfast Club. David Archuleta is still one of my favs. Not a big fan of Mr. Dreadlock but I thought he did a good job as well. Chickeze is just a loveable guy and I want him to make it into the top 12. Luke and purple haired dipshit need to go home.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Butlers and Maids
Saturday, March 1, 2008
This morning I had set my alarm to go to the gym. I do that on Saturday because everyone is sleeping and I can just go alone and enjoy myself. Usually when I come home they are all still asleep and then I have quiet time(not much) in the house which is so nice. Well this morning my little Boo was already up and as I was getting dressed she asked if she could come with me. I didn't respond and my first instinct was no because she'd have to get dressed and then I would have to pay for daycare while I worked out. However, I stepped back and thought yes, you can come with me. She loves to come anywhere with me and always has fun. I know these times won't last forever as one day she will want nothing more but to be with her friends and not her silly mother. So, as much as I love my alone time I love being with her more because she lights up my life and takes the troubles away.
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